August 20th will be 121st anniversary of local author/genre master Howard Phillips Lovecraft and that’s a reason to celebrate. A New England author with a unique and influential vision, his artistic shadow over current culture is vast and, his work is inspiration for a variety of games. Games ranging from Trail of Cthulhu, Call of Cthulhu, nearly every Steve Jackson Games product that isn’t about Otto Skorzeny and a whole lot more. This manager used to run a rather extensive Gaslight Cthulhu game back in the day and it’s high time we pay some credit to HPL. This year, we’ll have demos of HPL related card and board games, we’ll have some readings, some viewing of short subject Lovecraft films, We’ll have refreshments, hopefully a cake and lots of fun. Even if you don’t do much HPL gaming, come by the store and wish the old boy happy birthday!